Sunday 15 April 2012

Liam Van der Merwe- Top of Africa

The tallest building in Africa and once the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere is our very own Carlton Centre. In 1973, it started out as a famous 5 star hotel but urban decay caused it to shut down in 1997. Advantage of the space was taken and it was changed into a shopping mall along with a few office suites. The story of this landmark inspires me greatly. People had adapted according to the times. The persistence and intelligence of this could only come from Urban Planners =).

Reference: (Picture)


  1. patience bosaka:ok its nice that this place inspire you although you did not mention how it does that but i feel like this is just too little i do not get what your analysis is about you need to dig deeper and tell us more

  2. zitathu: i would like to agree with patience regarding the depth of your analysis. what exactly do you like about the building? is it because of its history or that it is the tallest building in Africa?
