Monday 9 April 2012

Ntshwarangwako Letoalo: Sandton City_ A Beautiful Plan

Figure 1: Location Map of Sandton District
This space is the focal point of the area. Situated in the Sandton district, Sandton City has been developed as an overflow area to the CBD. Currently an Outlying Business District, Sandton City brings people from all walks of life as a tourist destination, local shopping centre and even a regional shopping centre.

Figure 2: Sketch Plan of Sandton City in 1969
Built in November 1969, Sandton City was known as a new city on its own and the Johannesburg Town council proclaimed this as a new Municipality. Developed by Michael Rapp and brothers Hilliard and Eli Liebowitz the land acquired was intended for private housing but was then abandoned because the potential of Sandton becoming a Central Business District.

Figure 3: Sandton District from a Distance
According to Lynch (1984), Shopping Centres need to be along major arteries and should be visible from them. Furthermore, should have more than one line of access but not positioned too close to a freeway ramp so not to cause congestion. In this way Sandton City is perfectly situated. It is visible from kilometres away and often forms part of the fabric of the horizon.
Figure 4: New Sandton from the Road

Sandton City is known for its vibrancy and is accommodating to the surrounding environments. However internalised and isolated, it still provides pedestrians with an entrance. But in contrast, ‘ a nearby resident cannot nip out to the store’ (Lynch, 1984). Even so, the newly established Sandton allows for a certain permeability to outsiders. Lynch recognises this and calls it a ‘connection of internal and external circulation’ shown in figure 4.

Figure 5: Nelson Mandela Statue
One iconic place is Mandela Square, formerly known as Sandton Square. This space was re-named so as to idealised the great man who is known to have brought about the new South Africa. Tata Madiba has a 6 meter sculpture situated in the square itself. Although simple characterised by a rectangular open public place the statue adds to the meaning of the space. One user says : "While we honor Nelson Mandela in this statue, we are also honoring South Africa. He's not just a grandfather to us, but to the whole nation. The square is optimistic, expressive and confident, like the Madiba jive, and represents a sophisticated, eclectic, cosmopolitan success story. “

Figure 6: Sandton City Proposal from the Inside
As a place of historic relevance, a perfectly situated place, a place of 'internal and external circulation' Sandton City is the perfect in 'uniting all classes and is an exemplar to urban downtown' (Lynch, 1984).


  1. zintathu: how is sandton uniting all classes if people from just 3km away (alexandra) can not afford to buy commodities in this city? infact they can not even afford to pay for the taxi bill. sandton has mostly people of higher capitalist class and you say that it unites classes where else i feel that it promotes inequality. i think that you should rethink your statement because i do not have the same perspective as you on this matter and i believe that some people would also agree with me.

  2. AMAZING! Thank you for the information and the creative way you present it
